Distinguished Teaching Competition

Teaching?  Instruction?  How good are you, REALLY? Let's find out!

Since 1998, the best of the best business professors have come together in a national teaching competition.  This competition provides an opportunity for individuals who are distinguishing themselves as master teachers to see how good they really are.

At the SMA Annual Conference,  finalists present their work. If you have entered before, you are encouraged to enter again. This is a fun, tough, and rewarding competition.  No matter where you are in your career, you will learn from the finalists' presentations. 


 The application package should include:

*Please combine them in ONE pdf. file for submission and all submissions must be emailed to cindyrippe@uga.edu.

  • A one-page statement of teaching philosophy
  • A condensed CV (no more than 2 pages)
  • Supporting evidence of teaching excellence (no more than 5 pages)

For more information, please contact:

Cindy Rippé – University of Georgia, cindyrippe@uga.edu


  • 2023 - Micheal Levin, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
  • 2022 - Kai-Yu Wang, Brock University, Canada
  • 2021 - Cindy Rippe, University of North Georgia
  • 2019 - S.H. (Mark) Lee, Ryerson University, Canada
  • 2018 - Mary Anne Raymond, Clemson University, USA
  • 2017 - Joel Le Bon, University of Houston, USA
  • 2016 - Lyle Wetsch, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada  
  • 2015 - D. Joel Whalen, DePaul University, USA 
  • 2014 - Larry Neale, Queensland University, Australia
  • 2013 - John F. Tanner, Jr., Baylor University, USA 
  • 2012 - Brian Vander Schee, Aurora University, USA
  • 2011 - John Branch, University of Michigan, USA
  • 2010 - Barbara Wooldridge, The University of Texas-Tyler, USA
  • 2009 - Daniel (Danny) Butler, Auburn University, USA

  • 2008 - Richard Lutz, University of Florida, USA
  • 2007 - Jeff Conant, Texas A&M University, USA
  • 2006 - Doug Hoffman, Colorado State University, USA
  • 2005 - Dhruv Grewal, Babson College, USA
  • 2004 - Richard Buchanan, Massey University, New Zealand
  • 2003 - Don Self, Auburn University-Montgomery, USA
  • 2002 - Mandeep Singh, Wester Illinois University, USA
  • 2001 - Erika Matulich, University of Tampa, USA
  • 2000 - Tracy Suter, Oklahoma State University, USA
  • 1999 - Brian Engelland, Mississippi State University, USA
  • 1998 - John Drea, Western Illinois University, USA
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