Doctoral Consortium

The Society of Marketing Advances proudly announces its 36th Annual Doctoral Consortium, which takes place on November 6 -7 , 2024, in conjunction with the SMA annual conference (which runs November 6–9) at the Hilton Hotel in Tampa. As this year's co-program chairs, we welcome both nominators and nominees to consider nominating an excellent doctoral student to represent your program at our exciting and action-packed consortium. We invite doctoral program coordinators or other faculty to nominate students or students can apply directly to represent their program as a 2024 SMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow. Please see the dates and materials necessary to nominate and/or apply below.  Students interested in applying or being nominated, please do so as soon as possible to save your place! (Spots are limited so do not wait until the last minute!).

 Please submit the following:
a letter of nomination from a supporting faculty member (or, in lieu of a letter, the student may simply advise us of your dissertation chair's name or other faculty supporter), and include your CV, as well as a 250 (or less)-word bio and picture.

Please send your materials to Professor Hopkins by Sept. 30th at Once your eligibility is confirmed, we will inform you that you have a spot in the consortium and are officially an SMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow.

Next, the student should complete the conference registration form and submit the conference/consortium registration fee. Registration materials are available at the SMA website ( The early registration rate for the consortium and conference is $275 and includes consortium registration, all consortium and conference events, and access to the SMA Placement Service if paid by Sept. 30th. The rate is $325 if paid after Sept. 30, 2024.

Additional information from the hosts

We continue the SMA tradition of providing an engaging, memorable, and rewarding experience for all. We have amassed an amazing set of scholars in the field ready to impart their wisdom, with an exciting, two-day interactive program that doctoral students will not want to miss! The program provides engaging, fun lunches and breaks, as well as other excellent opportunities to network with one another and with both emerging and eminent marketing scholars across the two days. More details will be available soon, but the program includes many top academics in the field providing excellent, timely teaching, research/analytical, and publication advice. One interesting session we offer is called Speed Doctoring, in which highly-qualified scholars and fellow students provide useful feedback to all Consortium Fellows on their dissertation ideas. Also, the Meet the Editors session, which is wrapped into both the consortium and conference, will include editors and representatives from a large number of major worldwide journals, providing excellent publishing advice.

The focus of this year's SMA conference is: The Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Full information on the conference and accommodation can be found on the SMA website:

We look forward to seeing you in Tampa. Please contact any of us if you have any questions.

Christopher D. Hopkins (

Pia A. Albinsson (

Sharon E. Beatty (


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